Gently but effectivly, our training brings body and mind back into harmony. Basics, exercises and the best pratices for those who want to learn Taiji.

The way of Taiji
Many people begin with a practice like Yoga, Taiji, Qigong or Zen – often without being fully aware of what it actually is that they are searching for. Most give up soon after they begin, sometimes after several years of enthusiastic practice. Yet it is there - overcoming the countless hurdles in the course of a practice - that the part of learning takes place that is much more important than rehearsing elegant movements: the encounter with oneself.
The challenges of a spiritual path do not lie in exotic robes, strict diets, hard-to-pronounce names, or distant monasteries. They lie right in front of , or rather within you. Not only is Taiji a complex and fascinating martial art and a method of acquiring and sustaining health, it also has the potential to lead you softly but persistently deeper and deeper inside. Our courses are aimed at those who want to embark on this path of experience.
Training Schedule
Patrick Kelly
Through building inner harmony and internal strength together with physical relaxation and the philosophy of yielding, we gradually arrive at that place where the defence of the self in daily life no longer serves any purpose.
I train Taiji to find out what's beyond. Beyond what we see, beyond what we feel, beyond what we think, and maybe higher and higher.
It's the only system that I've found that has the depth that it has. There's always something more to learn.
Things are happening slowly. And every time you discover more and more. And you discover that you have been doing things which you were not even aware that you were doing, and that you are doing it wrong. And this is good in Taiji!
I try to train every day - sometimes I succeed, sometimes I don't - but generally I find that if I train every day, even if it's just 20 minutes, it's much better. If I miss a few days, I feel it.
Without Taiji I would be more career-oriented, so maybe I would live in a big metropolis and be some kind of manager at an international company working 12 hours a day. With taiji I realise that actually there are other things which are important, like emotional development, being closer to spirituality, losing yourself in something that will bring nothing in terms of materialism.
I would say that the most important thing is that it pushes you to do something that you probably won't be tempted to do in your life. The fact that you always push to refine yourself makes you try to really work for something important.